Currently, I'm...
Listening to the HVAC unit. Everything else is so quiet. It's kind of eerily peaceful.
Eating an orange. Trying to keep it healthy folks.
Drinking nothing. Seriously, this may be the first time in my life when I haven't had a drink near me. That reminds me, I'm thirsty.
Wearing a pink sweater. I'm hoping my bright shirt will convince the sun to come out.
Feeling tired, as always. I wonder if I have a vitamin deficiency?
Reading a contract. Work never ends.
Wanting a thin mint. The box in my bottom drawer is calling to me.
Thinking about how much I miss my husband and how it is to work opposite hours.
Enjoying the fact that I have hot yoga tonight. I'm so looking forward to it.
What are you doing?

I had some of those dangerous thin mints in my house last week and had to bring them to work and unload them. I can't be responsible for not eating them if they are in my presence.