
Thursday, April 17, 2014

How do you do that?

Today I'm linking up with Jade & Oak for a How Do You Do That post. It's basically a random cry of frustration about things you don't understand to people you don't understand.

Here's my list.

How do you do that...

People who wake up early to go to the gym. When it's 6am and I'm choosing between sleep and gym, sleeps wins. Every.Single.Time.

People who can twirl a baton. My mom was a baton-twirler and tried to teach me. It never stuck. I still get mesmerized by the baton gliding through her fingers with the greatest of ease.

Bloggers who always have top designer clothes and accessories. Did you sell your soul to the devil? How on earth do you afford all that? Kris and I both have great jobs, but he still has me on designer lock down.

People "don't like chocolate." Let me just say that I don't believe you. Everyone likes chocolate.

Mothers everywhere. My two year old nephew and one year old nephew came for a visit last weekend and OMG I"m so glad they're gone. I love them, but they are a handful. That weekend made me 100% sure motherhood isn't for me.

People who prep their meals. I've tried meal planning, but I never want to eat what I have planned for myself.

Teenagers today. How do you look cute all the time? It seems awkward teenage years are a thing of the past.


  1. I hear ya on the bloggers that wear designer duds! I can barely afford Old Navy and Forever 21:)

  2. Hahaha, oh my goodness! Pretty sure we are on the same page about all of those things!

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  3. I totally agree on the bloggers wearing designer clothing/bags, etc! I much prefer the bloggers that I can relate to...
    I prep my meals - the key is to put something in there that is really special and you'll look forward to. I have grown to love perfectly prepped little lunches, always with a treat included.

  4. i used to not like chocolate when i was a kid. what a weirdo ha. but i also used to be able to twirl a baton when i was younger too. i'm sure i definitely couldn't do it now! thanks for linking up :)
